I knew from a very young age that I would want to live life
to the fullest. At the age of 10 when asked to make a list of 5 things we
wanted to do when we were grown ups I wrote “get married, have kids, become a
doctor, own 10 dogs and go white river rafting in Zimbabwe”. That was the sum
of my life’s ambition. As I matured I made a few other lists, though I kept
these lists in my head. That is the worst place for a list …
A few years back I put pen to paper. As I aged, as I was exposed to various experiences, the more I experimented, the more of an identity I formed. My list still contained
“get married”… but this time it had a name attached to it. Looking at that list
now I am shocked how many items relate to my ex. Funny thing is - I achieved
more on that list that improved his life than my own.
I crossed off the items in blocks. I 'censored' my ex's name. Those that I blocked out... We shall not mention those. |
So, in light of being single and fiercely independent, I
decided to make a new list. This is my list.
I have been extremely lucky in that I have been able to tick
off a few items already and once I achieve something new I will be writing about the experience. Yeah!
What an incredible experience compiling this list was in developing the
clichéd “attitude of gratitude”. I am truly blessed.
Here goes!