am a self-confessed Facebook stalker.
single, I find this one of the greatest forms of easy entertainment on those
lonely nights. Who doesn’t find themselves mindlessly clicking away from time
to time? I don’t necessarily mean spying, just checking up on your friends from
time to time out of curiosity.
I prefer to think of this
activity as "research" or as I like to call it Facestalking. I find
it pretty amazing that the ability to access information can lead us to find
people in way that we never had before. We can find so much information on a
person by simply typing a name into Google and hitting the search button. We
have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs.
Researchers at the University
of Missouri School of Journalism have proved that online stalking,
scientifically speaking, feels good. By monitoring students while they
navigated Facebook and measuring physiological responses associated with
motivation and emotion, the researchers found that the students derived the
most pleasure from activities described as "social searching" or what
they call "goal-oriented surveillance" (how cool is that!) that
involved visiting another friend's profile page, reading their Wall posts,
perusing their photos, checking out the events they'd recently attended.
So, why am I telling you all
This past weekend saw the unfolding of some peculiar events. Firstly, I
had planned on going on a church camp for ‘young working persons’, which
basically means single people. This was cancelled four days prior to the camp.
I then decided to invite some single friends from my old church for some dinner
and rugby and after me and my single Pretoria
friend and I went out for some ‘scouting’…
We met the normal drunken guys
who are looking to impress and then undress. Not our type. Now, this friend of
mine and I have both had long term relationships with persons in the
entertainment industry. Later that evening we ran into some old contacts. I
clicked immediately with this guy, whom I shall refer to as Mr. Sticks and we
were so lost in conversation that we barely noticed as my friend left. The
venue closed at 02:00 and we simply moved the conversation to the garage across
the street and drank coffee and talked some more until we eventually said
goodbye at 03:45. He invited me to come watch him at his gig the next day…or a
few hours away…. and I agreed.
At the gig he waved to me
from the stage and came to say hi afterwards before being swamped by the crowd
of girls that comes with the territory of being a musician. As me and my friend
decided to leave he invited me to another gig and then…he went in for a kiss. I
was not expecting this at all. I ended up giving him what me and me friend
called ‘a semi-kiss’. I left feeling giddy and excited and pondering
Now before you jump up and
down (or start planning a wedding, Mom), I have to share some history and
divulge some things Mr. Sticks had told me during our time together.
Firstly, he works in the
entertainment industry. I have dated someone in that industry for almost 4
years. You have to have some balls to date like this. It is not easy. There is
a reason they call it sex, drugs and rock and roll. You also have to deal with
spending evenings alone, sometimes weeks, as they are on tour and those girls…
I have had a horrible experience with dating in the entertainment industry.
I realise that this might sound like stereotyping and I would agree that it's unfair to project insecurities or baggage from
prior betrayals onto an innocent partner and go searching for faults. Harmless
material can easily be misinterpreted and hyper vigilance can be controlling
and push someone away, but there is more to this story…
Secondly, he talked about
being married before and he talked about…his son. I know, I was confronted with
the ‘can I be a stepmom’ question with Number 4, and I am still of the firm
opinion that I will not be able to cope with this situation.
Why did I agree to see him on
Sunday then? I loved his mind. He challenged me and posed questions that
unearthed some of my own enquiries regarding relationships, philosophy and
faith. I would date and marry this Mr. Stick’s mind in a heartbeat. I liked him
for that and I think I wanted to continue a conversation and a friendship…not a
relationship. That is why I agreed to Wednesday…and that is why I was
completely startled when he went in for the kiss.
I can understand that the
heart has a way of making its own decisions, often illogical and stupid
decisions at that. But that does not mean you need to act upon those feelings. It did feel great that my almost two year
kiss free spell had been broken by a ‘semi-kiss’ and I felt alive with the
thought of someone showing interest. Who doesn’t like being flirted with? I
needed to clear my head and so I resolved to some Facestalking.
I Googled him first to read about his achievements and his portfolio.
Mr. Sticks is one of the best musicians this country has seen. I felt flattered
that he would show some interest in me. Only then did I go onto his Facebook
profile, which has a lot of information on it – score!
Some weird things: he is still listed as ‘in a relationship’ with the
mother of his child. We share first names…this freaked me out completely. I saw
some photo’s of his son, some special family moments and some typical music
industry party photos. Yup, Facestalking had shown once again that I have some
serious bad luck when it comes to meeting men but it also allowed me to make a more informed choice. I am not
going to see Mr. Sticks again.
I have made some dramatic
choices since breaking up with my ex. I have accepted Christ. I have stopped
drinking and using drugs. I have started studying again. I have vowed to not
have sex until I get married (no, I am not a virgin). I have come to live under
a set of moral values that I cherish and would not exchange for a relationship.
I have been set free of that relentless need to find my self-worth in a man. I
can proudly say that I can stand alone and be happy with that. I will not
I think it’s time to give
some serious thought to setting some boundaries in writing and keeping them
close by to remind myself not to settle. I am better than that. I also think a
list of boundaries could help in distinguishing the dual personality types. You
know - the types like Mr. Sticks who will pretend to be one person and yet they
also try and build a persona on what is, essentially, their personality resume
So cheers to not settling and learning yet another lesson. Facestalking in this day and age can be enlightening and reassuring. For me it is just the heads-up I need to protect myself without having to rely on my non-existent psychic abilities!
How about
you? Have you stalked a potential partner, a current partner or your spouse?
Please do share…
PS: Keep
an eye an the blog later this week to see what happens when Facestalking goes
wrong…like yesterday…
Talking about boundaries: Charl has this pretty cool dvd that we watched. If you want to check it out: http://www.amazon.com/Guardrails-DVD-Avoiding-Regrets-Your/dp/0310893984
ReplyDelete"I have made some dramatic choices since breaking up with my ex. I have accepted Christ. I have stopped drinking and using drugs. I have started studying again. I have vowed to not have sex until I get married (no, I am not a virgin). I have come to live under a set of moral values that I cherish and would not exchange for a relationship. I have been set free of that relentless need to find my self-worth in a man. I can proudly say that I can stand alone and be happy with that. I will not settle." - that's pretty cool; good for you!
I'm sure there are lots of people that, like myself, enjoy the way you think. I will now break out in a little song on the topic. On second thought, I'll leave that to Van the Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr-UGmx5J7s