Thursday, December 6, 2012

I've been reading...

I have spent the last three days as a hermit. I have literally just left the house to attend a small year-end function (from which I escaped early) and to eat. I have read it… the forbidden fruit of books…50 Shades of Grey and the other two in the E.L James trilogy.

I freaking LOVED the books! I could not put them down. I don’t know if it has just been a really long time since I last read anything non-academic or if it was because these were my first ‘erotic’ novels.

After telling my friend about starting with the first book she jokingly said that she found it boring and skipped to chapter 8 only skimming the pages. Another friend said it took her several months as the book was too ‘steamy’ and she skipped most of the chapter 8’s in the books.

I read every word. I got to know the characters and I loved the duality of Ana’s voice of reason (her subconscious) and her voice of desire (her "inner goddess"). It offers a real glimpse of the emotions that a woman might actually experience in her situation. The storyline captivated me. I could identify with both Ana and Christian on many levels and their very young and astoundingly intense relationship after only a few weeks reminds me of my own past relationships.

Okay, so there are sex scenes in the book, described in great detail, some of them, I must admit, even made me squirm. But some of them are unbelievably hot. My sister was hinting at reading it later and to that I have to say HELL NO! You definitely don’t want to be reading this if you are a virgin, under the age of 21 or deciding on being celibate or not. Hell, I was seriously considering banning my mother from reading the books (as I am sure she probably won’t know what half of the stuff even means) but the story is remarkable.

I think if you are married, you can have some serious fun and if you are single like me… let’s just say I have lots of new motive for finding that special someone. Don’t worry; I won’t become some sex crazy slut! I will wait until I’m married!

I don’t think that you should expect a masterpiece. At moments I thought that I could not take one more “Oh my” or overused metaphor. This is the author’s first books and at times it may seem poorly written but I think that is what makes is so good to read. It seemed a little unrealistic at times. The damn girl is 22 for crying out loud!

Just read the damn books! It has been an interesting three days and I definitely urge you to grant yourself a few interesting days this December!

So cheers to my first ‘erotic’ novel and feeling inspired…

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